The Department of French Studies at The University of Manchester,
In partnership with the Alliance Française de Manchester


a debate with French music journalist


Wednesday 30 november 2011

The University of Manchester, Samuel Alexander Building, room LG12.

Linked to the final-year undergraduate module 'Protest Music in France', taught by Dr Barbara Lebrun (French Studies), this debate with Bertrand Dicale will primarily be led by the course students, in French, and revolve around the many ways in which 'contestation' has been performed in French music culture. Yet it also provides a wider opportunity for all francophiles and music-lovers to talk about music and identity in France and the wider French-speaking world, and about music journalism specifically.

Bertrand Dicale is the author of several French singers' biographies, including Serge Gainsbourg en dix leçons (Fayard 2009), Juliette Gréco (Textuel 2009) and Brassens? (Flammarion 2011), and of numerous studies on French and francophone popular music, including La Chanson francaise pour les Nuls (First 2006), Ces Chansons qui font l’histoire (Textuel 2010) and Les Chansons qui ont tout changé (Fayard 2011). He is a regular contributor to Radio France, and writes music reviews for Le Figaro, Le Monde, Marianne, Serge and other newspapers. He is also the author of an essay on being 'métis' (mixed race) in France (Maudits Métis, JC Lattès, 2011).

Free event, open to all.
Please contact to register your interest.